Zip's Outfitters strives to provide professional and prompt service to our customers. At times, our apparel inventory may be affected by shortages from the manufacturers. Please be assured we will work to the best of our ability to eliminate any related delays in the delivery of your finished product.

Shipping Information

Available Shipping Methods

Deliver to School

Ships To Domestic: All states

Customer picks up at the store and delivers them to the school.

Price Breakdowns

All Products 
- calculated by quantity

Handling Fee: $0

From (Items) To (Items) Price
1.0 infinity $0

Store Pickup

Ships To Domestic: All states

In Store Pickup by Customer

Price Breakdowns

All Products 
- calculated by quantity

Handling Fee: $0

From (Items) To (Items) Price
1.0 infinity $0

Standard UPS

Ships To Domestic: All states

Domestic ground delivery

Price Breakdowns

All Products 
- calculated by cost

Handling Fee: $0

From (USD) To (USD) Price
0.01 198.99 $14.99
199.0 infinity $0
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